1. Start with a purpose: Endeavor to start your every day with a purpose, believe you woke up alive for a purpose, you woke up for something significant. Know that you are alive to make certain things come to life. 2. Plan your day the previous night: Before you start a new day, plan it the previous night, write down on paper what you would love to achieve the next day, you could make it more unique by including the time you would love to achieve each of the goals and the time to stop. 3. Write a journal of previous achievements: Write all you have achieved and done so far, how you achieved them, how much it took, and the way you felt when you achieved it. Look at it every morning and have in mind that if you could do this in the past, you could do more in the present. 4. Say a prayer: This is necessary. Thank your creator for guiding you up to the next day and pray for the fulfillment of the new day. 5. Listen to good music: Yes, this will help you get relaxed and feel happy. It helps...
Here, you will be groomed on certain basics that will improve your life.