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4 Ways to Hack Your Brain Chemicals to Become More Productive

Brain Hacks

You might not have a money tree, but you can have the next best thing: a happiness tree. Happy people are more motivated, effective, and productive. Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the hormones responsible for your happiness. Many situations can trigger these neurotransmitters, but instead of being in the passenger seat, there are ways you can intentionally cause them to flow:

1. Dopamine.

Dopamine motivates you to take action toward your goals and gives you the momentum of reinforcing pleasure when achieving them. Procrastination, self-doubt, and lack of enthusiasm are linked with low levels of dopamine. 

Break big goals down into little pieces. Rather than only allowing your brain to celebrate when you’ve hit the big finish line, you can create a series of little finish lines for frequent dopamine release. And it’s crucial to actually celebrate -- buy a bottle of wine, or head to your favorite restaurant whenever you meet a small goal. And avoid the dopamine hangover -- when you slump after a massive high. 

Create new goals before achieving your current one. That ensures a consistent pattern for experiencing dopamine. As an employer and leader, recognize the accomplishments of your team. Sending your team an encouraging email or giving a small bonus is a “dopamine-hit” that will increase future motivation and productivity. 

2. Serotonin 

Serotonin flows when you feel significant or important. Loneliness and depression are present when serotonin is absent. Unhealthy attention-seeking behaviors are a cry for what serotonin provides. A neuroscientist explains that most antidepressants focus on the production of serotonin.

Reflecting on your past achievements allows your brain to re-live the experience. Your brain has trouble telling the difference between what is real and what is imagined, so it produces serotonin in both cases. Gratitude practices are popular for this reason, they are reminders -- mental pictures -- of all the good things you’ve experienced. If you need a serotonin boost during a stressful day, take a few moments to reflect on your past achievements and victories. As a leader, you can boost your company morale by reflecting on past achievements during team meetings. 

Another way to boost your serotonin levels is to have lunch or coffee outside and expose yourself to the sun for 20 minutes; your skin absorbs UV rays which promote Vitamin-D and serotonin production. Although too much ultraviolet light isn’t good, some daily exposure is healthy for boosting your serotonin levels.

3. Oxytocin.

The release of oxytocin creates trust and strengthens relationships. It’s released by men and women during intimacy and orgasm and by mothers during childbirth and breastfeeding. Often referred to as “the cuddle hormone,” a simple way to keep oxytocin flowing is to give someone a hug. Of course, in a professional setting, you need to be wise and discern when this would be appropriate. 

A Doctor explains that inter-personal touch not only raises oxytocin but reduces cardiovascular stress and improves the immune system. Rather than just a hand-shake, go in for the hug. A Doctor recommends eight hugs each day.

Giving someone a gift will also cause their oxytocin levels to rise. You can strengthen work and personal relationships through a simple birthday or anniversary gift.

4. Endorphins.

Endorphins are released in response to pain and stress and help to alleviate anxiety. The surging “second wind” and euphoric “runners high” when running are a result of endorphins. Similar to morphine, it acts as an analgesic and sedative, diminishing your perception of pain.

Along with exercise, laughter is one of the easiest ways to induce endorphin release. Even the anticipation and expectation of laughter e.g. attending a comedy show increases levels of endorphins. Taking your sense of humor to work, forwarding that funny email, and finding several things to laugh at during the day is a great way to keep your endorphins flowing.

Aromatherapies, particularly the smell of vanilla and lavender have been linked with the production of endorphins. Studies have shown that dark chocolate and spicy foods will cause your brain to release endorphins. Keep some scented oils and dark chocolate at your desk for a quick endorphin boost.




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